I would like to state that our experience of cooperation with Infocon Co. Ltd related to IT services is positive. Overall, we express our satisfaction regarding services provided by Infocon Co. Ltd. The tasks assigned to the firm were performed with the due professional care, adequately, and on time. Services, as well as deliverables provided by the firm have met the quality and high professional standards requirements.
Vladislav Muradyan,
Partner, Grant Thornton.
Vladislav Muradyan

Since 2008, We’ve collaborated with InfoCon Co., Ltd. on various government accountability and civic engagement projects. Their technical team delivered a comprehensive range of ICT services crucial for our initiatives. InfoCon played a key role in designing ICT projects in targeted provinces, creating public websites for numerous Soums in eight Aimags, implementing short messaging systems in 20 Soums, and conducting valuable training sessions. Their IT solutions significantly enhanced government transparency and public service outcomes. Prior to partnering with InfoCon, managing our ICT needs was challenging, requiring coordination across multiple service providers. Beyond their consulting expertise, InfoCon’s project management and troubleshooting capabilities not only save time but also prove cost-effective.
Naranjargal Khashkhuu

I have worked with Mr. Batpurev Batchuluun (CEO of InfoCon Co.,Ltd) on Proxy Means Testing survey in Mongolia for Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare as an ADB consultant. We have used NSO’s Household Socio Economic Survey (HSES) database with Integrated database of households to determine poverty score. Linked Integrated database of households with NSO’s population and household’s database by household codes. We have done cross checking of 700,000 (2,3 mln people) households (a) Citizen registration ID and Real estate registration with State registration department, (b) Social insurance payment information with Social insurance general office, (c) Vehicle registration information with Ministry of Road and Transportation (d) Cross checking of household cattle numbers with NSO. It was very productive to work with him and his colleagues on matters which are of real importance in determining target groups for various government services.
Ludovico Carraro

Every Mongolian symbolizes the beauty of our natural environment and the well being of our future generations. However, behind this profit symbol, there must be a logical way to use natural resources. In the modern sense, protecting the natural resources is not just the “regretful” nature of the people, but also the state, the private sector, and the civil society organizations, to take part in the rehabilitation and exploitation of the joint management principles. All of these relationships have been regulated by the Environmental Law of Mongolia in May 2012. InfoCon Co.,Ltd has shown a ways of effective usage of ICTs to disseminate information on creating a green environment by improving rational use, possession, rehabilitation of the green environment.
Bazar Chimed

Honorary Professor of the National University of Medical Sciences, Senior Professor at Yonsei University, South Korea
Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS) has three branches (Darkhan-Uul, Dorbogobi, and Gobi-Altai). However, quality of education at these campus is lower than the main campus and therefore there were need for providing quality education from main campus to the students in branch campuses via e-learning. InfoCon Co.,Ltd has provided amazing service to setup our International Cyber University of Medical Sciences where now there are about 200 master students studying online.
Young M. Chae, Ph.D.
ymchae@gmail.com, ymchae@mnums.edu.mn
Honorary Professor, MNUMS
Professor Emeritus, Yonsei University