“We are proud to have collaborated with our esteemed partner organizations, whose unwavering commitment, expertise, and collaborative spirit have significantly contributed to the success and impact of our shared initiatives.”

United Nations
UNDP, UNFAO and UNICEF representative offices in Mongolia
We have been contracted with different UN line agencies to implement ICT solutions in Mongolia. (UNDP: Conducted an assessment and comparison of available systems and requirements for Aid Management
systems (DMFAS, Childinfo and DevInfo), BIOFIN; UNICEF: Telemedicine; and UNFAO: Distance learning portal etc.,)

Ministry of Education and Science
Ministry of Education and Science
Strengthening Systems for Promoting Science, Technology, and Innovation - Consulting Firm: Open Science Platform Development.

The World Bank
Mongolian Development Gateway NGO, LPD, MESP and More.
The latest engagement was that our CEO worked for MESP project implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection funded by The World Bank as Senior IT specialist in establishing the E-Job platform in Mongolia. (2020-2021).
The Mongolia Development Gateway (MDG): is a country-led initiative that will allows Mongolia to take advantage of perhaps the most important aspect of the Internet. By eliminating space and
time it gives us an unprecedented means of overcoming two of the root causes of extreme
poverty—ignorance and isolation. From dramatic improvements in distance learning to access to updated
information to a newfound ability to participate in world markets, it will for the first time allow Mongolia,
isolated country to become a real part of the global community. (2002-2003)

Asian Development Bank
We have been selected by Asian Development Bank for several ICT projects.
We have been selected by Asian Development Bank for several ICT projects such as Strengthening Systems for Promoting Science, Technology, and Innovation - Consulting Firm: Open Science Platform Development. Improving Transport Services in Ger Areas - Public Transport Database.

International Development Research Centre: IDRC
We have had close collaboration with IDRC, Canada.
Mongolia component coordinator jointly implemented with National University of Mongolia and Mongolian University of Science and Technology for PAN (Pan Asia Networking) Localization project (2007-2010).
Project implementing organization for Evaluation and Adaptation of Open Source Software for Distance Education in Asia (2005-2007).
IT consulting company for Distance Diagnosis/ Consultation in Health Care for Rural Mongolia (2003-2005) implemented by HSUM.

Public Transportation Department
Capital city Public Transportation Department
Improving Transport Services in Ger Areas - Public Transport Database.
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